Uni-ram Automotive manufactures environmentally friendly equipment for collision repair shops. Equipment includes spray gun cleaners, recyclers for solvents and water cleaners, trash compactors and vacuums.
Companies use hazardous solvents to clean a variety of parts and equipment as well as spray guns used in auto body shops and specialized manufacturing. Water, water borne cleaners and solvents are used in the spray gun cleaners to effectively clean paint from spray guns. Recyclers reclaim water borne cleaners and solvents for reuse. Collision repair shops buy Uni-ram recyclers to eliminate unnecessary costs for virgin cleaners and costs to dispose of used cleaners. With a Uni-ram recycler waste hauled off site drops by 95% helping municipalities reach waste reduction goals.

Industrial companies with paint operations like airplane manufacturers and cabinet makers also benefit from Uni-ram equipment.

Demand for Uni-ram’s environmentally friendly products grows worldwide as users and regulatory bodies seek ways of minimizing the generation of hazardous waste. 

Uni-ram with its Head Office and main factory in Markham, Ontario, Canada has operations in Buffalo, New York; Chiba, Japan and Foshan, China. 

Uni-ram holds many patents on the designs used in its innovative products.

Uni-ram invented the automatic spray gun cleaner in 1988. Shipments of spray gun cleaners to Collision Repair Shops in 30 countries exceed 40,000 units. Over 10,000 companies have purchased Uni-ram solvent recyclers to reclaim used solvent, minimizing the generation of hazardous solvent waste.

Uni-ram distributors include Normandie Filtres of France, EMM International of Holland, Uni-ram Europe of Spain, Aqua-Solv Solutions of England and AIT Links of Australia. End users include General Motors, Canon and Boeing, as well as many other industrial customers. Dealerships for all car manufacturers and the US government, under stocking number NSN 4940-21-921-1555, use Uni-ram Spray Gun Cleaners.

Uni-ram solvent recyclers are certified to international safety standards: UL Standard No. 2208, CSA Standard 22.2, No. 30 and N0. 88 and CE standards. Uni-ram Solvent Recyclers are approved for use with solvents in non-hazardous and hazardous locations Class 1, Division 1 Group D and Class 1 Division 2 Group D.

Uni-ram attends major trade shows around the world including NACE in the United States, Automechanika in Germany, Clean Tech in Japan and the United States and the AIA show in Canada.